Paulo portofolio
Date : February, 2022
Services : Advertising, Marketing
Customer : L'Algo de Paulo
Locations : Paris, France

Project Overview and Customer's Business Goals.

Paulo and Red Lion have a beautiful love story that began in February 2022. Paulo is an app that provides statistics, analysis, and score predictions for various sports like football, basketball, rugby, and tennis.

We have helped optimize their Google Ads app campaign by developing a better app brand identity, key marketing messages, and content to drive more qualified app installs and sales.


In 2022, we dedicated our efforts to learning and understanding the key markets to target for Paulo. We also worked to resolve their issues with the Google Ads policy, as the app is strongly related to sports betting.


Finally, in August 2023, we reached the app’s growth phase and stabilized its subscription rate. In 2024, we will focus on generating their ROIs and developing a long-term growth plan for Paulo by optimizing their subscription renewals and acquisition rates.

Paulo is an app that targets a particular and complex audience. Google’s app campaigns require much work, content optimization, A/B tests, and data analysis. We are delighted that we were able to hit Paulo’s target customers.




February, March, April, and May were dedicated to learning and understanding the competitive UK market. In August 2023, we finally found suitable packages and offers to market with Global Encounters. We have stabilized the lead generation campaigns through Google and Meta ads, ensuring that 50 qualified leads are delivered to the inbox of Global Encountours every month. With the help of Red Lion talents and a dedicated sales team trained and hired for Global Encountours, we are working towards increasing the digital lead closing rate and improving the ROI.



Creative book : https://redlion.marketing/book/tourism/global-encountours/


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